Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lost/stolen Purses and Wallets

Remember to look at dream symbols in a spiritual light. A purse or wallet most likely doesn't mean a literally purse or wallet. In dreams, wallets and purses can represent your life or your identity. Think about it: your wallet or purse contains all of your personal information. It contains confidential and private information such as bank cards or financial documents, as well as your identification and picture IDs. It usually contains your money, your personal treasures.

When you lose your purse or your wallet you have to cancel the cards and go through a lot of trouble to get new ID. Thieves can use this information to pretend to be you. Sometimes wallets and purses contain things that are irreplaceable, valuable and precious to you, the owner. If you dream of your purse or wallet being stolen, God could be communicating that the dreamer has lost (or is looking for) his or her purpose, identity, or favour.

Dreaming of your purse or wallet being totally empty can be God's way of revealing to the dreamer that they are spiritually "bankrupt".

Matthew 6: 21 says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Your literal "treasure" is often found in your purse or your wallet (or at least your way to "access" your literal earthly treasures). So your spiritual treasures can be found in your spiritual purse/wallet... your heart, which contains your personal identity, your spiritual treasures and gifts, and those things that are valuable to you in a spiritual sense.

To check your financial status, you use your banking information contained in your wallet/purse, but God can give you a dream about your purse or wallet as a way of giving you a "status update" or report on your spiritual treasures and spiritual identity.

Matthew 12: 35, "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him."

Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus showed his spiritual identity in a parable of the bible, and here a purse is mentioned, so we get a biblical context to support the biblical interpretation of the symbol:

John 12:4-6, "But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said,  'Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?' He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it."

Pretty cool, actually! Happy interpreting!


  1. Good article, on target information Moon Doggle, I enjoyed it. Right on target. Keep up the good work.
    Pastor Mary Ann, dreamlab7.com/dreamsETC blog

  2. Good information. I believe that my dream of loosing my purse referred to my son loosing his identity. He was in a car accident a couple days ago and very upset.

  3. What a great idea! I am definitely going to have to make one of these. Thanks for sharing!

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  4. When we lose our purse or our wallet we have to cancel the cards and go through a lot of trouble to get new cards and ID.

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    1. did you read anything about this ??? nobody lost their purse or wallet ... they DREAMED about it ..so there is no reason to try and sell them here lol.

  5. Great interpretation....i was telling my fiance just yesterday that I'm going to start back attending church like I use to. I remember telling him I'm not the person I was when I was going to church. I also had a conversation with him about getting older and wanting to get better not worse so there definitely some identity struggles going on here. I also read dream moods, they are pretty accurate in their interpretation of dreams, their interpretation was very similar to yours. Thanks for the article.

  6. I also HD a dream someone stole my wallet

  7. I also HD a dream someone stole my wallet

  8. I had a dream being given an empty wallet, i am really confused since this wallet wasnt mine. please what could this mean

    1. It might mean to be careful which jobs or relationships you enter in to. Be cautious, and only move forward after you pray and feel a sense of peace.

    2. I had a dream of a woman stealing my purse. In the dream the woman was well known by another person.vvIn the dream I said I am calling the police regarding the theft.What is so amazing, God had spoke a Word (a status update) about His call on my life, and my being identified by HIM.I have always been a dreamer, yet not always knowing the interpretation.

  9. Very useful information thank you .

  10. This is fantastic! Praise Gd. Now, what does it mean if Jesus provides you your purse? I had a dream that Jesus called me to run. Then I said, I need my bank card or finance to access through many stations. But my purse was in a room that I cannot possibly enter in because of many students outside the door pushing to get inside. Well, I was strategizing how to get in, the Lord provided my purpose. It was like suddenly, my purse appeared in front of me. Interesting enough, the Lord provided my purse and my toothbrush. I laughed when I notice what's in front of me. What would the toothbrush and purse mean in this dream? Your thoughts please.

  11. Thanks very much I think I need to get back full-time with my God cus,this is so me backing off from the Lord.

    1. I think we all do. I have too ..and am sick and in bed the last two years with chronic pain and depression ..i haven't gone out to church or even prayed and I feel like I am only exsisting and not living ..I am alone 95 percent of the time and have lost my reason to live .. i have had three dreams now this last few months about losing my purse and then finding it only to see all my money is gone. ...I wish you the best at getting back close to God. xo

    2. JESUS is your reason to live. He loves you and I love you too 😘. Get up and get out. I too have pain 😫 I get up taking a pill go to bed taking one. But I believe God is a healer. If he chooses not to heal it's a reason and not because he can't. Get up and get out of that house.

  12. I dreamt last night that I was at Disney land with a girl and I had many purses and lost them . I insisted to go find them and I found most of them . My main purse with my wallet , checkbook and credit cards was white and I found it. There was a lost and found of hundreds of purses all lined up that people had lost . I looked through them all to find my other purses and soft leather briefcases . The girl I was with got mad and said she was leaving and I said that's ok because I have to find my purses. I looked through ones that looked like mine but it was not my things inside even though they were good things and I said no I can't take it because it's not mine but I remember thinking that anybody could take what wasn't theirs fro this lost and found. My xhusband wax there and wanted to take a briefcase with good stuff inside that was not his. He flirted with another lady. I persisted and did recover most of my purses and soft leather briefcases and bags.

  13. I dreamt last night that I was at Disney land with a girl and I had many purses and lost them . I insisted to go find them and I found most of them . My main purse with my wallet , checkbook and credit cards was white and I found it. There was a lost and found of hundreds of purses all lined up that people had lost . I looked through them all to find my other purses and soft leather briefcases . The girl I was with got mad and said she was leaving and I said that's ok because I have to find my purses. I looked through ones that looked like mine but it was not my things inside even though they were good things and I said no I can't take it because it's not mine but I remember thinking that anybody could take what wasn't theirs fro this lost and found. My xhusband wax there and wanted to take a briefcase with good stuff inside that was not his. He flirted with another lady. I persisted and did recover most of my purses and soft leather briefcases and bags.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I had a dream that my purse was stolen. I found a simular purse to mine and opened it. And there was my stuff. I first checked the wallet and seeing that my cards were gone. I then looked around in seen my purse was empty on the ground. It seemed someone had put my stuff into another stolen purse and stole from me as well.

  16. I dream that a homeless man start talking to me while I was eating with my daughter in a restaurant. .I make sure my wallet was in my jacket since I don't like purses.but I noticed I had my husband wallet too..the homeless man left and comeback fast and showed me a lot of money with some papers with my signature...while I was understanding that he stole my identity and stole from my cards ..he left I followed him to a bad streets and couldn't find him and start crying. .....

  17. i dream that my wallet was stole in my bag at the park
    what could this mean?

  18. I just dreamt that I lost my handbag, which contains my wallet and other documents. I was told to go talk to a bag repairer across the street. I did, and he searched through a lot of handbags and found mine. I looked through the contents and found that all my documents were intact and all the contents of my wallet (cash, ATM cards,ID cards) have been emptied into my handbag, and the wallet was missing. The bag repairer said he took out the wallet and tried modifying it because the wallet is different from others. I collected my handbag and gave him a tip (Note: I was carrying alot of cash in my wallet)

  19. I find this very interesting.I do feel as though my connection with God is not like it use to be!I truly need to have a closer relationship with Him!In my dream, my purse straps had been cut off and left behind under a counter.

  20. Thanks for helping me understand the meaning of my dream .

  21. i dream about 3 times in different days,my wallet was taken with the person i dont knw but i usually get it..for the first day i loss it and someone bring it to me the next time the same and the third time

  22. I dream about 2 times in different days,my wallet was taken with the person I don't know but it was the guy for the first day I loss it the next time someone bring it after we were having fight

  23. On several occasions, I have had dreams when I'm driving, I suddenly get lost & loose my sense of direction, the area is unfamiliar, or my wallet/purse is lost.. God has a way of speaking to us & HE wants me to get what he's saying. I understand that God is speaking to me on my identity in Him! Praying & reading/(identity) scriptures
    will help, & I will do this!
    Your Interpretationn was very helpful, thank you, God bless!!

  24. Nice very nice,good work keep it up,what a clear clarificaton
