Isn't it amazing how many different types of animals are out there in the world and how different they are all from one another, their different characteristics and abilities? Some animals are apt at many things, others specialize in one thing and do it better than any other creature.
When it comes to animals in dreams, it is important to think about the special traits of the animal. Why did you dream of a donkey instead of a horse? What is a defining trait about donkeys? Stubbornness, perhaps? What about the defining trait of a horse? Power and strength come to mind first. Also, colour. Is it a white horse? Or brown? Colour can add insight, as white can mean purity and brown can mean humility. The size of the animal can determine it's importance, authority, or influence. Bears hibernate. Turtles are slow. Peacocks are proud. Rats are pests that feed on things left uncared for. Consider these characteristics in a spiritual context. Do you have an issue in your life left unattended to fester that may be drawing negative influences to you? Is there a large issue that sometimes hibernates for periods of time?
Is the animal dosile or wild? Nice or mean? An easy example is a dog. Did you dream of a growling, biting dog foaming at the mouth, or a waggy-tailed pooch licking your hand? Dogs are known as man's best friend. In dreams, dogs can often represent true and loyal friends. If a personal pet, it could represent protection, unconditional love, something or someone dear to you. However, to a person with a fear of dogs, or someone who has had only bad dog experiences would most likely have a warning dream with a dog representing someone on the attack or accusatory, or even a friend turning on you.
So, when looking at animals in dreams... use common sense - if you absolutely despise snakes, then dreaming of a snake on your pillow most likely means something like the dreamer losing rest and being harassed by lies or evil (remember Satan in the garden? Snakes are also known for their "long tales" - see the next paragraph on wordplay!) On the other hand, if you are a lover of snakes and dream of a snake on your pillow, the dreamer may find it fascinating and beautiful, it may be a beloved pet of yours. There are usually positive and negative meanings to every dream symbol including animals. Symbols are always relative to the experiences of the dreamer.
Something else to keep in mind: Wordplay. Yes, you read that right. God loves to play on words. I have found this to be surprisingly true in my own dreamlife! If you dream of a dolphin or a porpoise it could mean friendly co-operative people or community of people, as dolphins and porpoises are friendly, intelligent and really quite similar to humans in personality. BUT - often times porpoises can be a play on the word PURPOSE. In other words, God uses the symbol of the porpoise to bring someones destiny or purpose coming into focus. An alligator is another example - big animal with big mouth, big tail. In other words, a bossy spirited person with great influence who gossips and slanders and defends with a "tale".
As always, when considering the symbols in your dreams, ask yourself (or google) if the symbol or animal shows up anywhere in the Bible. After all, it is the Word of God. Dreams are parables, just as was Jesus teaching style of choice. If we want to learn God's language to hear what He is saying, the bible is a great place to start... That white horse from earlier is mentioned, with the rider on it named Faithful and True. Not to be confused with the pale horse that is also mentioned, whose rider is named Death, with Hades close behind.... let your spirit help you discern if the mannerisms of the animal. What was God saying back then when he mentioned ___ (whatever symbol from your dream)? He may be saying the very same to you.
To re-cap:
- Note the characteristics of the animal (strong sense of smell, independent, gigantic mouth, etc)
- Do you have fear/love these animals? Are you neutral? Do you get a good/bad feeling from it?
- Wordplay
- Is it mentioned in the Word of God?
Next time you dream of an animal, go through this list and ask the Holy Spirit to bring you insight! Happy dreaming!
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